Schwarzbachhof alternative

The fastest way to vacation happiness

Location & Directions

It doesn't matter if it's by car, bus, train or plane: B&B Hotel Schwarzbachhof in Luttach in the Ahrntal valley is easy to reach and you'll be inspired by wonderful impressions just as soon as you arrive.

B&B Hotel Schwarzbachhof

Luttach, Maurlechenfeld 1
39030 Ahrntal (BZ)
South Tyrol

GPS coordinates

N 46.95284
E 11.91747

Up-to-date travel and security advice

Plan your safe and carefree holiday. Here, you will find detailed information about the current entry and security requirements:

Official South Tyrol tourism website

Any more unanswered questions?

If you have any questions about your trip to Luttach in the Ahrntal, you are welcome to contact us at any time. We are always there for you!